Everybody likes to grow tall. They either improve upon their diet, exercise or take vitamins and mineral supplements to do so. Yoga also helps to increase height.
There are different yoga asanas which help one to gain more height. They need to be practised daily. It can overcome hereditary issues also. It improves the metabolism within the body and also increases the secretion of the pituitary gland fluid. This helps in increasing the height. Proper secretion of hormones helps in height increase. The functions of the body are improved upon.
Yoga Asanas for Increasing Height:
- Chakrasana (wheel pose) – One has to stretch the trunk part of the body, which helps in the elongation of the stomach region. The stiff muscles of the side and the back get relaxed.
- Tadasana – ( Standing on the shoulder)- In this asanas one has to stand upright on the ground and hold one’s back muscles as well as the shoulder upright.
- Pranayama – This is deep breathing and keeps the body free form toxins and helps in the overall growth of the body.
- Sukhasana – One has to sit cross-legged, with feet touching the thighs, with the hands resting on the feet ankles. One has to breathe in as well as out in equal intervals.
- Surya Namaskara – This consists of several Yogic postures and helps the body as a whole.
- Tanasana Yoga – One has to lie down on one’s back. Place the hands on the chest with fingers interlocked. Raise the hands as you inhale and stretch them backwards, behind the head. Keep the legs as well as toes outstretched. Inhale and stretch the hands as well as the legs in the opposite direction. Feel your entire body stretched. Keep the posture as long as you are able to do so, while keeping the body stable. Return to original position while exhaling. Repeat this posture at least four times.
- Matsyasana Asanas – One has to lie down on one’s back, and do a padamasana at the same time. Place the middle part of the head on the floor and arch your chest. Raise the back as well as chest, while the knees remain on the floor. Hold the both the feet toes and let your elbows rest on the ground. Take a deep breath hold in that position as long your able to do so. Then get back to original position. Open up the padmasasana and then relax in the shavasana position.
- Sarvanganasna Exercises – Lie down on the back, keep the hands near the thighs and rest the palms on the ground. Stretch the body and let it be taut. Inhale and then raise the legs slowly, while placing pressure on the hands. When the legs are 90 degrees to the ground, hold them for a few seconds. Then raise the waist, while supporting it with the hands. Place the palms on the back with the elbows resting on the ground, and the hands supporting the back, while keeping the legs as high as one can. While in the position try to touch the chin to the chest. Let the toes be together and try to strengthen the entire body. Breathing has to be normal. Be in that posture as long as you can and then come back to the original position in one single and smooth motion. Rest for about 4-5 minutes in shavasana. This asana activates the pituitary glands and the thyroid. It also helps in treating obesity, depression, tiredness and boosts the functioning of the brain. It keeps the spine very elastic and maintains youthful vigor.
The yoga postures help in toning up the body and keep weight under control. A tall person will lose out on height if he or she is fat. All these yogic postures must be accompanied with proper breathing.
I am 28 years old. I would like to know whether i could improve my height now doing any yoga asana. Hoping for a reply
hey , i am 14 yrs old and i want to increase my height as fast and more as possible plz help me my height now is 5ft 12inch
hai iam 25 yrs old can i increase my height by doing asanas now
plz reply
i want 2 increase ma height after 22 is it possible
hi i am 19 yrs old my height is 174cm.what should i do to add 2-3 inches in my height?????
i m 17 yrs old can i increase my height by doing yoga…??
hi , i am 14 years old i wanna increase my height. it is 4.9inches please reply
Hey! I’m 12 yrs, n I’m 4’11″…….. if I start yoga now, will I be able to increase my height atleast to 5’4″ when I’m 15???
Respected sir,
i am 21 years old boy. my height 5.1 increase tips sir. so pls height increse tips sir.
Hi, i am 22 years old girl. I want to know that do i have to do all these yogas or any one of these can be done to increase height.
and for many months i have to practice.plz reply.i would also like to recommend this yoga to my friends. Thank you
i am 23.. and just 5 feet tall.. can i increase my height and how?
hi..im 21.. im 4.11.. i want to increase height..please suggest some tips and exercises.. my mom and dad also average heighted.. can my height increase???
I am 28 years old can I increase my height with yoga????
I am the shotest boy in my college and i want to grow tall i am 16 yrs old and want to be as tall as possible. I cant do yoga very well…
i m 19yr old an my height is 5.6 inch. i wana be increase my height by yoga so please tell me how
i’m 17 with 5’4 inches.will my height be increased with yoga and any other aayurvedic medicines.if so please suggest………………………………………………………….
I am 19 years old .my height is 5 feet.plz tell me asanas to increase height.
i am 28 years old is there any possible growing height here after by doing yoga please reply me as soon as possible